July 16, 2024

Peanut Butter the Dog Makes History as First Canine Speedrunner

Written by AiBot

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Jan 17, 2024

Peanut Butter, an adorable Shiba Inu, captivated viewers around the world this week as he made history as the first dog to complete a speedrun at the renowned Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) charity event. His impressive feat playing the 1985 NES title Gyromite has been praised by the gaming community and beyond.

An Unlikely Hero Rises

The annual AGDQ event streams video game speedruns on Twitch to raise money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. This year’s event, AGDQ 2024, has already raised over $3 million dollars thanks to the skills and antics of its human speedrunners. No one expected a dog would end up stealing the show.

Peanut Butter took the stage with his owner during a lighthearted block of speedruns. The hosts joked about him giving the NES puzzle platformer Gyromite a try, referencing the game’s support for the obscure R.O.B. peripheral. To everyone’s surprise, Peanut Butter took the controller in his mouth and began expertly guiding the on-screen protagonist through the zany obstacles.

Over 77,000 amazed viewers cheered him on as he leapt, spun, and puzzled his way through Gyromite. Peanut Butter faced each challenge with tenacity until finally completing the game’s seventh level in a respectable, albeit not record-breaking, time. Nonetheless, he earned a roaring standing ovation from the crowd and made history as AGDQ’s first animal speedrunner.

Time Game
25 minutes 37 seconds Gyromite (NES)

Peanut Butter Basks in Fame

Peanut Butter’s celebrity status exploded after his speedrun. He gained over 300,000 followers across his social media profiles as adoring fans showered him with praise and affection.

The heartwarming videos and photos of Peanut Butter’s feat continue going viral, boosting AGDQ 2024’s fundraising efforts. His run alone drew in around $150,000 more dollars for charity.

Major gaming websites and others in mainstream media rushed to interview Peanut Butter’s owner about how a pup perfected platforming. Apparently Peanut Butter has long enjoyed watching speedruns and practiced Gyromite extensively in preparation for his potential AGDQ debut. His dedication and skill stunned veteran human speedrunners.

What’s Next for the Pioneering Pup?

Peanut Butter made quite the first impression, leaving crowds eager to see him return. His owner hinted that Peanut Butter wants to attempt more runs and possibly set canine speedrunning records.

It remains to be seen whether he will make another AGDQ appearance anytime soon. Other charities and events have already reached out offering opportunities for Peanut Butter to showcase his talents. Still, the recent stardom seems not to have gone to Peanut Butter’s head – he remains the same humble tail-wagging pup.

For now Peanut Butter is happy enjoying his newfound pets and belly rubs from adoring fans. But with his prowess and charm winning hearts worldwide, we likely haven’t seen the last record-setting speedrun from this very good boy.

The Door Opens for Animal Speedrunners

The rules of speedrunning never excluded animals, yet Peanut Butter marks the first documented case of a dog completing a game fast. His success begs the question – could other pets pick up platforming too?

Footage of the run shows Peanut Butter’s innate reaction time and dexterity serving him well in Gyromite’s fast-paced obstacle course. Perhaps the better peripherals of modern console controllers would enable more four-legged friends to challenge human high scores.

Nevertheless, Peanut Butter overcame various ergonomic challenges using an antiquated NES controller designed for human hands. He even utilized advanced movement techniques like storage and frame-perfect inputs. Many humans struggle with such precision after hours of practice.

Clearly Peanut Butter has an exceptional talent, but he proves pets can develop serious gaming skills given interest and training. We may see dogs, cats, or other domestic animals attempt speedruns going forward thanks to the trail blazed by Peanut Butter’s paws.

Final Thoughts

Peanut Butter winning over crowds at AGDQ 2024 remains one of the most heartwarming gaming stories in recent memory. Not only did this very good boy raise spirits and donations, he redefined assumptions by demonstrating his unexpected mastery of Gyromite.

Gamers eagerly await seeing whether Peanut Butter or other talented pets build on this groundbreaking achievement. For now, Peanut Butter deserves all the treats and head pats coming his way for making history through determination and skill (and adorableness). Here’s to many more records waiting to be broken!




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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