July 16, 2024

Patriots Name Franchise Icon Jerod Mayo as Bill Belichick’s Successor

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Jan 18, 2024

The New England Patriots have named former linebacker and current inside linebackers coach Jerod Mayo as their new head coach, replacing the legendary Bill Belichick who retired after an unprecedented 23 years leading the team. Mayo, 37, becomes one of the youngest head coaches in NFL history and represents a new era for the Patriots as they look to maintain their winning ways.

Mayo’s Rapid Rise Culminates in Dream Job

Few could have predicted Mayo’s meteoric rise from decorated player to head coach in just a few years. But the Patriots have long valued continuity, and Mayo proved himself quickly as an up-and-coming leader after joining the coaching staff in 2019.

Still, Mayo’s lack of coordinator experience made his hiring a surprise, as owner Robert Kraft explained:

“Look, you know normally we would have a longer, more traditional process in searching for our next head coach. But the more we talked as a team, the more we realized what we already had in Jerod. He has all the makings of a tremendous leader that understands the Patriot way.” [1]

Mayo brought unmatched passion and work ethic as a player in New England for eight seasons, earning Defensive Rookie of the Year in 2008, All-Pro honors in 2010, and winning a championship. That familiarity with the Patriot dynasty proved crucial.

As Mayo put it at his introductory press conference:

“I just always felt there was an expectation here in New England to win. That really hasn’t changed.” He later added, “There’s already a standard here you know you have to live up to. As a player I always held myself to that standard.” [2]

Kraft in particular was effusive in praising Mayo’s leadership abilities honed under Belichick, saying simply, “We have the right man for the job.” [3]

Other teams took notice too, as four clubs requested to interview Mayo for their head coach vacancies before New England made the internal promotion. [4]

New Coach Wants to Build on Patriot Mystique

For his part, Mayo was deferential to his legendary predecessor Belichick, whom he called “a friend, mentor.“ While acknowledging he will put his own stamp on the Patriots, Mayo emphasized maintaining continuity wherever possible:

“I’m not up here trying to be Bill. I can’t be Bill” he said. “I have to be Jerod Mayo and I’m going to lean on the things I’ve learned under coach.” [5]

Among those principles Mayo wants to continue is Belichick’s notorious secrecy around game plans and operations:

When asked point blank if he planned on being as strict on media access, Mayo simply replied “no comment”, bringing laughter from the assembled press. [6]

But Mayo also hinted he may loosen things in some areas, like when asked about player personalities:

“My big thing is it has to be team first, everything else will take care of itself. But I want guys to come to work every day excited.” [7]

Mayo seemed to indicate more openness regarding his staff too, as he prominently thanked Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin for reaching out with congratulations.

New Coach Faces Daunting Task of Sustaining Excellence

As the rare beloved former player ascending rapidly into his dream job, Mayo confessed to being “humbled, honored and excited.” But he’s also under massive pressure to sustain the Patriots dynasty that has seen unparalleled success under Belichick with six Super Bowl titles.

No Belichick protege has found nearly that level of success elsewhere yet. Mayo will have to buck that trend, as owner Robert Kraft made clear the standard remains stratospheric:

“In this business it’s about winning games and championships…And I expect Jerod to carry on what we’ve built here in Foxboro.” [8]

Many players seem confident he’s the right choice, as veterans Ja’Whaun Bentley and Jonathan Jones raved about Mayo’s leadership style:

“He knows the Patriot way but he doesn’t try to impersonate it, he does it his own way.” – Ja’Whaun Bentley [9]

“You can talk to him as a friend but also respect him like a coach, and that’s hard to have sometimes.” – Jonathan Jones [10]

Of course, Mayo’s first tasks will be assembling a staff and working closely alongside chief decision maker Robert Kraft on roster construction this offseason. Kraft hinted he may finally name an official general manager, which could alter the traditional Patriot power structure. [11]

No matter who holds the titles though, Mayo made it clear he expects full effort toward one goal: restoring championship glory to New England. As Mayo succinctly put it, “There’s already a standard here that you know you have to live up to.”

New Coach Set to Make History on Multiple Fronts

Beyond the pressure to win, Mayo is also assume the spotlight that comes with multiple barrier-breaking aspects to his hiring. At 37 years old, he is the youngest active head coach in the NFL. And as only the third Black head coach currently in a league where 70% of players are Black, Mayo will be turned to as an example of expanding opportunities.

Mayo said he appreciates that significance, but doesn’t want to be defined solely by race or be seen as “the poster boy” for diversity:

“I know I’m Black. I’m a Black man. I’m proud to be a Black man,” Mayo said plainly. “I have an opportunity to move the needle when it comes to getting more people that look like me into positions of power within the NFL.” [12]

“Do I wanna be known as a Black head coach? No,” he explained further. “I’m a head coach. I have to earn my keep just like every other coach has done.” [13]

Robert Kraft praised Mayo as the right candidate “independent of any demographic.” But he agreed Mayo can have an important influence in what he called “a problem for America” regarding unequal representation in leadership roles. [14]

So while Mayo prefers to keep the focus on football, he could make an impact well beyond just his own team’s success. After decades as the gold standard franchise under Belichick, the Patriots are eager to prove they can sustain greatness no matter the coach thanks to what they dub “the Patriot Way.” But now the new face of that mystique will be Mayo, whose own bold vision will shape this new era in New England football history.

This franchise has seen unparalleled coaching legends before, and Mayo made sure to connect himself to them rather than just the looming shadow of his former boss Belichick:

“As a kid, I used to pretend I was playing linebacker for the 1985 Chicago Bears or for Coach Parcells’ Giants defenses,” Mayo said fondly. [15]

Now kids all over New England are sure pretend they play for Coach Mayo’s Patriots. After his rapid ascent, this franchise icon finally has the chance to cement his own championship legacy.

Year Record Playoff Result
2023 8-9 Missed Playoffs
2022 8-9 Missed Playoffs
2021 10-7 Lost Wild Card Round
2020 7-9 Missed Playoffs
2019 12-4 Lost Wild Card Round
2018 11-5 Won Super Bowl
2017 13-3 Lost Super Bowl
2016 14-2 Won Super Bowl



AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

To err is human, but AI does it too. Whilst factual data is used in the production of these articles, the content is written entirely by AI. Double check any facts you intend to rely on with another source.

By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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