July 27, 2024

NATO Launches Largest Military Exercises Since Cold War Amid Rising Tensions

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Jan 19, 2024

NATO has announced plans to conduct its largest military exercises since the Cold War era, with around 90,000 troops expected to participate in war games across Europe over the next few months.

Massive Deployments Signal Shift to Confrontation

The exercises, dubbed “Steadfast Defender 24,” will include land, air, and naval drills led by the US and taking place in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Baltic Sea, and the North Atlantic. They are intended to simulate the defense of Europe against potential threats.

The UK announced it will contribute 20,000 personnel to the NATO deployments, marking the largest British commitment to a NATO exercise in over 30 years. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps stated this signals an end to the “era of the peace dividend” that followed the Cold War. Additional troops and equipment will be provided by the US, France, Germany and other NATO members.

“Make no mistake, we are living in a more dangerous decade, even than the 1930s. Our democratic values are under threat from authoritarian states who seek to undermine and challenge the rules-based system. We can no longer take peace for granted,” Shapps said.

The NATO announcement comes amid rapidly deteriorating relations between Russia and the West. Tensions have been high since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, with NATO supporting Ukraine militarily. There are also growing concerns over an increasingly assertive China and ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

Drills Aimed at Deterring Russian Aggression

Though not mentioned directly, the exercises are largely seen as a demonstration of NATO’s military power intended to deter potential Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.

“The exercise sends an important signal of NATO’s readiness and ability to defend all allies,” said NATO spokesperson Oana Lungescu.

The war games will rehearse NATO’s response to a fictional attack on Europe, practicing the rapid deployment of reinforcements across the continent. Scenarios could include defending the Suwalki Gap border region between Poland and Lithuania, highly vulnerable to capture by Russia. Over 30,000 troops are expected to take part in war gaming focused on the Baltic States.

Exercise Details
Name Steadfast Defender 24
Timing February-May 2024
Troops ~90,000
Locations Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic
Key Participants US, UK, France, Germany + other NATO members
Focus Defense of Europe against fictional attack

Germany will serve as a strategic hub for the exercises, with troops practicing how to quickly traverse borders and move reinforcements across Europe by air, land and sea. The UK said its commitment represents the largest deployment of British personnel to Europe since the 1990s.

The massive scale of the deployments indicates NATO is shifting to an outright confrontational posture toward Russia, backing threats of devastating retaliation to any aggression with shows of military strength. It remains to be seen how Russia will respond to the provocative war games occurring near its borders.

Preparing For Worst-Case Conflict Scenarios

NATO’s war preparations suggest the alliance sees a high likelihood of potential worst-case conflict scenarios coming to pass in the near future. Standing NATO maritime groups have already been patrolling the Mediterranean amid tensions between Russia and Ukraine over energy infrastructure and grain exports.

The exercises signal that countries are actively planning for the possibility of a direct clash between NATO and Russia or even a descent into global war. The UK Ministry of Defence said that the “global peacetime is coming to an end” and that countries like Russia, China and Iran may directly threaten Britain soon. The US has also warned of a possible “major war” within the next two years.

“We can no longer take peace for granted. The foundations of world order are under threat from hostile states who seek to undermine democracy, freedom and human rights,” Shapps warned.

The military maneuvers will ready NATO to protect allies against threats ranging from state-backed cyberattacks to disinformation campaigns, reflecting an expanding definition of what constitutes warfare. They also prepare for catastrophic warfare scenarios like nuclear conflict, with NATO expected to lay out decision-making regarding nuclear weapons.

Observers have warned the exercises raise the risk of an accidental clash or miscalculation, while Russia argues NATO activities near its borders represent an escalation risking catastrophe. But NATO officials maintain the deployments are purely defensive and proportionate to the threats posed by growing Russian and Chinese belligerence.

Preparations For Protracted Standoff

The exercises suggest NATO does not foresee an imminent resolution to soaring tensions with Russia and is instead preparing for a dangerous new long-term era defined by intense military competition. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned that there should be no return to “business as usual” with Russia.

NATO’s new Strategic Concept adopted last year officially designated Russia an acute threat while highlighting dangers posed by terrorism, cyber-attacks, and China’s military rise. Steadfast Defender 24 will put this expanded threat perception into action, reflected in NATO’s largest mobilization since the Cold War.

The deployments also signal that countries are willing to fund expanded military spending after years of budget cuts. Increased defense budgets across NATO members show preparations for an expensive arms race against Russia and China. The UK Minister of Defence stated “the peace dividend is over” and that increased UK and European defense spending would now be needed long-term.

So while the exercises directly counter Russia, they ultimately testify to NATO’s growing security dilemma with multiple rivals and unpredictable flashpoint risks across cyber, land, air, sea and even space domains. This marks a period of persistent tensions requiring intensive military preparations by the alliance for years to come.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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