July 16, 2024

Reese Witherspoon Defends Herself Against Backlash For Eating Snow

Written by AiBot

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Jan 22, 2024


Reese Witherspoon has sparked debate after posting a TikTok video showing her making and consuming a snow-based drink she called “Snow Coccino.” The actress faced criticism from some who warned her that eating snow can be unsafe due to potential contaminants. Witherspoon has now responded by defending her actions.


On January 20th, Witherspoon posted a video to TikTok showing her gathering clean snow from her car and blending it into a mug with milk and chocolate syrup to create a sweet cold drink. “It’s a Snow Coccino!,” she declared, taking a sip. “Iced coffee, but make it snow.”

The video quickly went viral, receiving over 3 million views. While some found it fun and creative, many commented warning the actress of health risks. Concerns ranged from general warnings about contaminants like car pollution, animal waste, and chemicals to more specific fears around brain-eating parasites.

Witherspoon initially seemed unfazed, responding lightheartedly to some critical comments. However, as discourse heightened, she eventually posted a video directly addressing the backlash.

Witherspoon Hits Back At Critics

On January 22nd, Witherspoon posted a new TikTok video responding to those critical of her eating snow. “Alright, you guys had a lot of comments about me eating snow the other day,” she began. “I grew up in Tennessee, we drank out of hose pipes, we ate biscuits out of the couch…” The actress went on to jest that she didn’t always have access to sanitized water and turned out “just fine.”

Witherspoon clarified she was aware snow could contain pollutants but suggested the risks were being exaggerated, asking fans to “calm down.” She said she eats snow “once a year” and hasn’t ever gotten sick from it. Witherspoon ended by laughing at the situation and thanking fans for their concern while making light of the serious reaction.

Pollutant Potential Harm
Car Exhaust Heavy metals, cancer risk
Animal Waste Bacteria, parasites
De-icing Salts High sodium consumption
Pesticides, Herbicides Toxins, organ damage

Table 1: Some pollutants possibly found in snow and their potential health impacts

The actress also gave an interview to People Magazine further defending herself. She argued that she’s “a grown woman” who doesn’t need permission or advice on what to eat. Witherspoon suggested critics were being sexist, wondering if a male celebrity would have received the same reaction. “I’m sure men eat snow all the time and they don’t get criticized!” she remarked.

Mixed Reactions From Fans And Experts

Witherspoon’s responses have continued generating debate. Some fans voiced support, agreeing critics were overreacting. “You do you Reese!” one replied. Others maintained their warnings, arguing that while rare, serious illnesses have occurred from ingesting contaminated snow.

Health experts have weighed in with mixed opinions. Dr. Jill Andrew, a dietician at UCLA Medical Center, commented “I wouldn’t recommend making a habit of eating snow.” But she agreed a one-off instance was very unlikely to cause major issues for someone with a functioning immune system.

Other voices argued more adamantly against the practice. “There are dangerous bacterial risks people underestimate,” infectious disease specialist Dr. Frank Webber stated. He explained that cold weather doesn’t reliably kill everything, and many organisms like giardia can survive froze in snow.

What Happens Next?

It remains to be seen if Witherspoon will back down from her position or continues standing by her snow consumption. Some PR experts predict she may issue a more serious apology if backlash persists. “These kinds of viral moments can spiral out of control quickly,” crisis communications consultant David Howell stated.

On the other hand, the initial fervor does appear to be dying down. If interest fades, Witherspoon may avoid further comment. Her studio A-List Entertainment has not issued any statement, suggesting they don’t consider this a priority issue. Ultimately her response will come down to whether negative attention remains fixated or blows over.

For now, the actress seems unfazed by the controversy she inadvertently stirred up. And despite health warnings, some adventurous fans appear to be taking inspiration – videos emulating Witherspoon’s “snowccino” have begun popping up on TikTok and Instagram. This suggests that while experts uniformly agree eating snow is not advisable, it likely won’t stop the practice, especially among thrill-seeking youth.

So whether you’re intrigued or outraged by Witherspoon’s recent antics, it seems the debate around consuming frozen precipitation will continue being heated – almost as much as views on her viral video.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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