July 16, 2024

Germany Slips Into Recession As Multiple Crises Batter Europe’s Largest Economy

Written by AiBot

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Jan 15, 2024

Germany’s economy contracted by 0.3% in 2023, slipping into a recession as multiple crises battered Europe’s largest economy. The preliminary data from the Federal Statistics Office showed that Germany struggled with high inflation, energy supply disruptions and weakening export demand last year.

High Energy Prices And War In Ukraine Drive Down Domestic Demand

The German economy was hit hard by the impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine, which sent energy prices soaring. German households and businesses faced skyrocketing heating and electricity bills last year.

This led to a sharp drop in domestic demand as high prices eroded consumers’ purchasing power. Private consumption fell by 2.1% in 2023 while government spending dropped 0.6%. Investment in machinery and equipment also contracted as businesses cut back.

German GDP Growth

| Year | GDP Growth | 
| ---- | ---------- |
| 2022 | 1.9%       |
| 2023 | -0.3%      |

Inflation hit a peak of over 10% in 2022 before moderating to 8.6% on average over the whole of 2023 as per figures from Destatis. But price pressures continued to take a heavy toll, wiping out wage gains for many workers.

Slump In Exports As Key Trading Partners Struggle

At the same time, weaker global growth and issues in key export markets compounded Germany’s recession last year. With demand waning from major trade partners, German exports across goods and services dropped 2.2% in 2023.

Shipments to China were particularly affected as strict lockdowns and a property market crisis slammed the brakes on the economy. Exports to the United States also declined as the Federal Reserve aggressively hiked rates to combat inflation, sparking fears of a recession. Within Europe, widespread energy price shocks and strained household budgets weakened appetite for German imports.

Construction, Manufacturing Take Biggest Hits

The construction sector suffered the largest output declines in 2023 with a real gross value added drop of 5.0%. Shortages of materials and skilled labor held back activity while rising interest rates sidelined many housing projects.

Manufacturing output also fell 3.4% over the course of last year, led down by the important automotive industry. Though supply chain issues related to the pandemic and Ukraine war had eased somewhat, this was offset by falling global auto demand.

The drop in manufacturing dealt another blow to Germany’s economy which depends heavily on export-oriented sectors like automotive and mechanical engineering.

Services managed to eke out 0.6% growth last year, providing some offset to losses in other areas of the economy. Government spending propped up sectors like healthcare and education. Retail also held relatively steady as some consumers continued spending despite elevated inflation.

Business Confidence Plummets As Recession Takes Hold

Surveys showed business confidence nose-diving over the course of 2023 in light of greater uncertainty and deteriorating conditions.

The Ifo institute’s monthly barometer of business sentiment declined all year long, hitting lows toward the end of 2023 not seen since the global financial crisis in 2008-2009. Executives grew markedly more pessimistic about both the current environment and 6-month outlook.

If businesses pull back on hiring and investment plans further, it could deepen Germany’s downturn. The labor market is still holding up well with unemployment near historic lows. But leading indicators suggest the positive jobs trend could reverse before long.

Government Rolls Out Relief Measures But Budget Strained

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s ruling coalition implemented several programs last year aimed at easing cost pressures on households and industries. These included fuel tax cuts, public transport discounts, heating cost subsidies and measures to limit gas and electricity price spikes. The government also took equity stakes in struggling energy importer Uniper and other importers.

However, the support measures together with weakened tax revenues put significant strain on German finances. The government already suspended constitutionally enshrined debt limits again in 2023 as it borrows more to fund economic aid. If conditions deteriorate further, it may difficult to return to fiscal consolidation without triggering more turmoil.

Subdued 2024 Outlook With Significant Downside Risks

Economists widely expect Germany’s economy to struggle again in 2024 even if it manages to avoids another technical recession after two straight quarters of shrinking output.

Inflation should continue gradually easing over the course of this year if global commodity prices stabilize. But consumer demand is only likely to recover slowly after last year’s sharp drop.

There is hope export volumes could pick back up somewhat if overseas markets like China and the U.S. manage to turn a corner. However, the external environment remains highly uncertain. A worse-case scenario of severe global downturn could spell more export pain for Germany’s open economy.

Within Germany, risks also remain tilted to the downside. Gas reserves are solid for now but enough supply cannot be taken for granted looking ahead to next winter. Any return of energy market turmoil would inflict further damage.

Financial markets fear the economy could get caught in a negative spiral if confidence sinks too far. So far, the European Central Bank’s gradual interest rates hikes and bond buying intervention have managed to keep a lid on borrowing costs for indebted countries like Italy.

However, this crisis response is now set to fade. Any renewed turmoil in European debt markets would generate destabilizing spillovers, especially for Germany’s outsized banking sector.

After over a decade of steady economic outperformance, cracks have emerged in the German growth model. With localized crises now compounded by global instability, the path back to steady expansion looks long and challenging. It will likely require concerted efforts to adapt and strengthen competitiveness over time. But in the nearer-term, resilience may be the most German policymakers and industries can strive for.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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