July 16, 2024

North Korea Launches Spy Satellite, Heightening Tensions with U.S. and Allies

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Nov 25, 2023

North Korea has successfully placed a reconnaissance satellite into orbit after multiple failed attempts, state media reported this week. The launch prompted swift condemnation from the United States, South Korea, and other nations who view it as a thinly veiled ballistic missile test. The provocative move raises already high tensions in the region and marks a dangerous escalation in North Korea’s weapons development.

Satellite Gives Kim Jong Un New Intelligence Capabilities

According to North Korea’s state-run news agency KCNA, leader Kim Jong Un inspected photos of U.S. and allied military bases and assets in the region that were taken by the newly launched satellite. The images reportedly included sites in Hawaii and facilities in South Korea, demonstrating the satellite’s powerful surveillance capabilities [1].

Analysts say the satellite would enhance North Korea’s ability to monitor the operations and movements of American and South Korean forces. This intelligence could aid the North in planning potential attacks or countering U.S. defenses.

"North Korea’s newly launched reconnaissance satellite will allow the totalitarian regime unprecedented visibility into US and allied military activities in the region," said Sue Mi Terry, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "This will significantly undermine US war plans in a conflict." [2]

According to South Korea’s military, the satellite is believed to be operating in a low Earth orbit after its launcher rocket completed a full orbit. North Korea says the satellite has taken photos of the Korean peninsula and that reconnaissance operations will begin in December [3].

“There are signs that North Korea’s spy satellite development has been completed in three stages,” South Korea’s National Intelligence Service chief Kim Kyou-hyun told lawmakers in a private briefing earlier this month. “The first stage is to capture imagery, the second transmit them and the third stage control the satellite.” [4]

The satellite adds to North Korea’s burgeoning array of intelligence assets, including drones and high-altitude balloons, and will likely be integrated into those existing programs.

Condemnation from U.S., Allies Over Missile Test Disguised as Satellite

The United States and allies including South Korea, Japan, Australia and members of the European Union strongly criticized North Korea over the launch, calling it a brazen violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The resolutions prohibit North Korea from testing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. However, North Korea disguised the latest launch as a peaceful satellite mission in an attempt to avoid sanctions.

“Make no mistake, these tests build capacity for North Korea to conduct more long-range missile launches disguised as satellites, like this most recent launch,” the Australian foreign ministry said in a statement. [5]

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with his South Korean and Japanese counterparts to coordinate a response. The three nations plan to address the launch at an upcoming NATO summit. Meanwhile, the U.S. imposed unilateral sanctions on six North Korean entities involved in the country’s weapons programs.

“This launch, following North Korea’s recent missile launch, is a clear violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions and needlessly raises tensions,” Ned Price, State Department spokesperson said in a statement. “We urge all countries to condemn these violations and call on North Korea to cease its destabilizing actions.” [6]

Nation/Group Response to Satellite Launch
United States Imposed unilateral sanctions, called launch "clear violation" of resolutions
South Korea Condemned launch, called it a ballistic missile test in disguise
Japan Called launch "extremely regrettable", plans to address at NATO summit
Australia Said launch builds North Korean capacity for more missile tests
European Union Called launch a "grave violation" of resolutions, vowed consideration of further measures

Table 1: International responses condemning North Korea’s satellite launch

North Korea Leveraged Russian Technology, Raising Proliferation Concerns

South Korea’s NIS intelligence agency said that North Korea’s satellite program succeeded largely due to Russian technological support over an extended period. Russia likely provided rocket engines, design assistance and other vital aid to the North Korean space agency.

“It is recognized that North Korea has launched a reconnaissance satellite with support from Russia over the past years,” the NIS said in a statement to South Korean legislators last week. [5]

Russia has faced allegations in recent years that it assisted other nations like Iran with their missile programs in violation of international norms against weapons proliferation. The U.S. and European allies may level additional sanctions against Russia over its enabling of North Korea’s satellite launch.

Meanwhile, North Korea’s space program is benefiting from an influx of talent and technology. Kim Jong Un recently established a new military bureau tasked with developing advanced weapons systems. His regime also unveiled a new solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile in 2020 that can be launched on short notice.

The country has made major strides in its nuclear and missile programs despite biting international sanctions and economic hardships for its population. Continued foreign assistance and determined work by North Korean scientists suggest more rapid advancements are likely in the months and years ahead.

Provocation Prompts South Korea to Restore Propaganda Broadcasts

In response to the satellite launch and the breakdown of inter-Korean agreements, South Korea’s military switched back on loudspeakers along the demilitarized zone (DMZ) border on Friday. The loudspeakers blast news, criticism of the Kim regime and K-pop music across the border.

South Korea had turned off such propaganda broadcasts in 2018 as part of a military pact with North Korea aimed at reducing border tensions. That deal lies in tatters now, with North Korea unilaterally scrapping the agreement after criticizing South Korean "hostile policies."

“The North Korean regime must take responsibility for raising tensions on the Korean Peninsula,” the South Korean Defense Ministry said in a statement. “If North Korea persists in provocative acts, our military will respond strongly based on our defense posture” [7].

North Korea often reacts angrily to propaganda broadcasts across the border, considering them an affront to Kim Jong Un’s dignity. The broadcasts could stoke resentment that fuels additional weapons tests or armed clashes along the border.

"By turning the loudspeakers back on, South Korea is needlessly poking the bear and inviting retaliation," warns Korea expert Sung-Yoon Lee of Tufts University. "This tit-for-tat cycle of provocations raises the chances of miscalculation and unintended escalation between the Koreas.” [8]

Satellite Launch Seen as Milestone in Kim Jong Un’s Reign

The successful satellite mission capped off a momentous week for Kim Jong Un that saw two public appearances alongside his daughter and heir apparent Kim Ju Ae.

On Saturday, North Korea released photos showing the diminutive Ju Ae in matching outfits with scientists and officials involved in the satellite program. The images provided further evidence that she has become the second most powerful figure behind her father in the reclusive regime.

Earlier last week, Ju Ae observed a ballistic missile launch with her father, the third known public appearance signaling her status as successor. Kim Jong Un is grooming his only daughter for leadership in defiance of patriarchal North Korean customs.

“Through the recent events, Kim Jong-un is communicating two key messages – first, that his daughter will be his heir and a new cult of personality is being built around her; and secondly, that under this third-generation hereditary succession, North Korea will continue to rapidly advance its banned weapons of mass destruction programs,” said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul. [9]

The back-to-back high profile events with his daughter show that Kim is confident in his grip on power as he defies the international community with provocative weapons tests. State propaganda will portray the satellite launch as a major achievement to boost Kim’s credibility and set up Ju Ae’s eventual rule.

By consolidating his family’s control for another generation, Kim aims to ensure North Korea remains a nuclear weapons state and resist outside pressure to disarm or reform his totalitarian system.

Outlook: More Weapons Tests Likelyabsent Diplomatic Breakthrough

North Korea often uses weapons tests to drive a wedge between the United States and South Korea, hoping to divide the allies and extract concessions. The Kim regime may be employing this brinkmanship strategy to gain sanctions relief as its economy languishes.

However, Washington and Seoul have remained united in condemning North Korea’s satellite launch. They are instead planning a coordinated response through diplomacy and military planning.

In the absence of substantive nuclear talks, North Korea will likely conduct further destabilizing provocations in the coming year. U.S. and South Korean officials warn that Kim Jong Un may soon resume testing nuclear bombs and long-range missiles for the first time since 2017.

Without a diplomatic breakthrough, tensions are bound to ratchet higher as North Korea increments its capabilities and issues escalating threats toward its neighbors. The current standoff greatly raises risks that a miscalculation could quickly spiral toward armed conflict. Urgent diplomacy is needed to peacefully address the North Korean nuclear quagmire and chart a path to lasting peace on the Korean peninsula.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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