July 16, 2024

Scientists Explore Using Nuclear Weapons to Deflect ‘Planet-Killer’ Asteroids

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Dec 25, 2023

Concerns are growing over the threat of catastrophic asteroid impacts, prompting scientists to investigate extreme measures like nuclear explosions to deflect incoming space rocks. Recent simulations have modeled the effects of a nuclear detonation on a hazardous asteroid to better understand if this doomsday scenario could save Earth.

Alarming Odds of an Asteroid Strike

Our planet exists within a veritable shooting gallery of asteroids and comets traversing the solar system. While the statistical odds seem long, history shows Earth bears the scars of numerous impacts. The Geological Society of America estimates asteroid strikes large enough to cause a global catastrophe happen roughly once every 100,000 years.

More troubling is the estimation by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory of a 1 in 300 chance of a 190 meter or larger asteroid impact within the next century. An asteroid this size striking earth could flatten cities and cause catastrophic regional damage.

Estimated Odds of Asteroid Impacts

Asteroid Size Estimated Odds of Impact Effects
> 1 km Once per 500,000 years Global catastrophe, mass extinctions
> 140 m Once per 2000 years Regional devastation on continent scale
> 50 m Once per 1000 years City-scale destruction

While unlikely in our lifetimes, scientists take the threat seriously enough to investigate last-ditch nuclear options to deflect or disrupt asteroids on an earth-bound collision course.

Exploring a Nuclear “Standoff” Solution

With enough advance warning, various mitigation techniques like gravitational tugging could redirect an asteroid’s path. However, the forewarning time required for such gradual measures likely necessitates decades if not centuries.

For little-noticed “planet killer” asteroids bearing down on Earth with just years, months or even weeks of warning time, more drastic “standoff” solutions may be our only hope. Hence the recent nuclear simulations conducted by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

”When many lives are at risk and there are short timelines, we must consider emergency procedures like the standoff nuclear disruption of hazardous asteroids,” remarked lead researcher Megan Bruck Syal.

By detonating a nuclear warhead above an asteroid’s surface, the resulting plasma shockwaves could impart momentum to perceptibly shift its orbit. She admits “The risks of fragmentation are real, but a nuclear standoff explosion is preferable to a direct hit.”

Simulating Nuclear Asteroid Deflection

To better understand the possibilities and perils, the team created supercomputer models approximating a thermonuclear explosion detonated 10-100 meters above asteroids spanning 17 to 1,000 meters wide. Sophisticated X-ray imaging mapped energy propagation through asteroid material, detailing shockwave effects.

“We focused the energy in a small spot over the North Pole of each asteroid,” described Swamy Varghese, coauthor of the models. Their simulations systematically varied blast height, yield and asteroid composition and size. Some variants also offset the blast site from the North Pole to assess directional Nuclear Ablative Propulsion (NAP) effects.

Key Research Findings

The full research published in The Planetary Science Journal reveals some thought-provoking results:

  • No asteroid survived intact – While none were vaporized, the team stresses additional simulations are needed on extent of fragmentation.
  • Impulse momentum sufficient to deflect asteroids depends greatly on composition and standoff height.
  • Iron-rich asteroids proved far more susceptible to momentum transfer than rubble or carbonaceous chondrite materials.
  • Offset blasts impart noticeably more directional impulse, acting akin to a thruster. This Nuclear Ablative Propulsion (NAP) effect shows promise for precisely steering asteroids.

“We were able to quantify momentum transfer for the first time,” noted Varghese. While their models currently lack some real-world complexities, they establish baseline understandings valuable for planetary defense planning.

Next Steps

This research provides impetus for more expansive simulations assessing fragmentation hazards, survival thresholds, and more accurate NAP quantifications. The team also wants to model slower-burning fusion devices potentially offering improved directionality and reduced radioactivity.

“We have a good handle on nuke optimization for three or four scenarios, but we need to scale up calculations to encompass the full gamut of possibilities,” said Bruck Syal.

Nevertheless, she believes their current radionuclide assessments already make a compelling case. “While no detonation comes without risks, the radioactive fallout from a well-planned standoff explosion would pose far less health hazards globally than an impact winter or other extinction-level event.”

Global Reaction

Response to the nuclear asteroid simulations has been mixed, with many outlets sensationalizing doomsday what-if scenarios.

“It’s like Armageddon!” exclaimed one French newspaper.

“We won’t allow nuclear brinkmanship in space,” contends an Indian space official.

In contrast, Russian scientists have praised the practicality of the approach and vowed to extend planning for planet defense accordingly.

The researchers themselves caution against jumping to conclusions either way. “This is just the beginning phase of quantitatively assessing a contingency plan,” Varghese said. The next critical steps will assess survivability thresholds and fragmentation risks they admit require more sophisticated models.

In closing Varghese commented, “Planetary defense questions involve physics removed from political ideology or rhetoric. Our role as scientists is to objectively assess life-saving possibilities grounded in facts.”

What Comes Next?

In upcoming years the science team aims to address simulation limitations and model additional nuclear mitigation scenarios involving diverse asteroids. Key unknowns like fragmentation hazards demand scrutiny if nuclear disruption is to become a viable recourse.

They also plan supplementary studies into:

  • Alternate standoff distances and directions
  • Subsurface explosions
  • Fusion devices with lower fallout
  • Small asteroid clusters
  • Optimal targeting points

Meanwhile space agencies are pursuing improved tracking of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) to enable decades of early warning time for most eventual impact threats. Only the surprise ‘planet killer’ asteroids are likely to require urgent nuclear intervention, if such an option proves pragmatic.

While the nuclear simulations sparked sensationalism and controversy, the researchers stress this is scientifically rational contingency planning. With more knowledge humankind can rest easier knowing science is rigorously assessing every possibility for averting a catastrophic asteroid collision.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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